Documentation Needed
Documentation Needed for Approval
After you submit your loan application, either on-line, paper copy or by phone, please provide the following documentation.
Please provide the MOST RECENT copies of the following documents:
- Most recent 2 years of W2s.
- If you are self employed, please provide most recent 2 years filed Federal Tax Returns with all schedules (Please sign and date)
- If you have a corporation or partnership, please provide 2 years of returns
- Pay stubs covering a 30 day period (all borrowers)
- Copy of your DD-214 (Member 4 copy)
- If you have a pension, retirement, or social security, please provide award letter
- If you have a VA Disability Rating, please provide a copy of your award letter
- Realtor information if you are currently in contract or actively looking for a home
- Purchase agreement if you have an accepted or pending offer on a home
The following items may apply to your situation
If you currently own your home or you own rental property, please provide the following:
- Copy of your current mortgage monthly statement or coupon
- Copy of your current property tax bill
- Copy of your current fire insurance declaration page showing coverage and annual premium
- Copy of any lease agreements if you own rental property
- If you have had a short sale, foreclosure or bankruptcy in the past few years, please provide a brief letter of explanation showing dates, addresses and reason for same
- If you have been divorced and have child or spousal support payments, please provide documentation to verify amount of payments and duration of same
- If you have a service related disability, please provide an award letter for same